MS Exam 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions

At the time of this writing, this is one of two exams dedicated to Microsoft Azure. The 70-532 exam is targeting Developers  The other one, 70-533 is for IT Pros, and you can read more about that one here

Exam home page is located at

Please note that the Microsoft Cloud is constantly changing and improving, so some of this content may be outdated or points to websites that no longer exists. Therefore, make sure to check the official exam home page to get up to speed before taking the exam. I’m trying to keep these lists updated, but please send me an email with any missing content 🙂

This exam is divided into five focus areas, but as always, the topics described in this blog post or at the Microsoft Learning home page do not limit the questions you can be asked at the exam. The Exam is also a beta exam, that means that it most likely will change soon. Therefor, remember to check the Official page before entering the exam.

  1. Design and implement websites (15-20%)
  2. Create and manage virtual machines (20-25%)
  3. Design and implement cloud services (20-25%)
  4. Design and implement a storage strategy (20-25%)
  5. Manage application and network services (15-20%)

Some general links first

Design and implement websites (15-20%)

Deploy websites

Define deployment slots; roll back deployments; create hosting plans; migrate websites between hosting plans; create a website within a hosting plan

Configure websites

Define and use app settings, connection strings, handlers, and virtual directories; configure certificates and custom domains; configure SSL bindings and runtime configurations; manage websites by using the API, Windows PowerShell, and Xplat-CLI

Configure diagnostics, monitoring, and analytics

Retrieve diagnostics data, view streaming logs, configure endpoint monitoring, configure alerts, configure diagnostics, use remote debugging, monitor website resources

Implement web jobs

Write web jobs using the SDK, package and deploy web jobs, schedule web jobs

Configure websites for scale and resilience

Configure auto-scale using built-in and custom schedules, configure by metric, change the size of an instance, configure Traffic Manager

Design and implement applications for scale and resilience

Select a pattern, implement transient fault handling for services, respond to throttling, disable Application Request Routing (ARR) affinity

Create and manage virtual machines (20-25%)

Deploy workloads on Azure virtual machines (VMs)

Identify workloads that can and cannot be deployed, run workloads including Microsoft and Linux, create VMs

Create and manage a VM image or virtual hard disk

Create specialized and reusable images, prepare images using SysPrep and Windows Agent (Linux), copy images between storage accounts and subscriptions, upload VMs

Perform configuration management

Automate configuration management by using PowerShell Desired State Configuration and VM Agent (custom script extensions); configure VMs using a configuration management tool, such as puppet or chef; enable remote debugging

Configure VM networking

Configure reserved IP addresses, access control list (ACL), DNS at the cloud service level, load balancing endpoints, HTTP and TCP health probes, public IPs, firewall rules, direct server return, and keep-alive

Scale VMs

Scale up and scale down VM sizes, configure auto-scale and availability sets

Design and implement VM storage

Configure disk caching, plan for storage capacity, configure shared storage using Azure File service, configure geo-replication

 Monitor VMs

Configure endpoint monitoring, configure alerts, configure diagnostic and monitoring storage location

Design and implement cloud services (20-25%)

Design and develop a cloud service

Install SDKs, install emulators, develop a web role or worker role, design and implement resiliency including transient fault handling, develop startup tasks

Configure cloud services and roles

Configure HTTPS endpoint and upload an SSL certificate, and instance count and size; configure network access rules, local storage, multiple websites, custom domains, and dedicated and co-located caching; scale up and scale down role sizes; configure auto-scale

Deploy a cloud service

Upgrade an automatic, manual, or simultaneous deployment; VIP swap a deployment; package a deployment; implement continuous deployment from Visual Studio Online (VSO); implement runtime configuration changes using the portal; configure regions and affinity groups

Monitor and debug a cloud service

Configure diagnostics using the SDK or configuration file, profile resource consumption, enable remote debugging, establish a connection using Remote Desktop CmdLets in Windows PowerShell, debug using IntelliTrace or the emulator

Design and implement a storage strategy (20-25%)

Implement Azure Storage blobs and Azure files

Read data, change data, set metadata on a container, store data using block and page blobs, stream data using blobs, access blobs securely, implement async blob copy, configure Content Delivery Network (CDN), design blob hierarchies, configure custom domains, scale blob storage

Implement Azure storage tables

Implement CRUD with and without transactions, design and manage partitions, query using OData; scale tables and partitions

Implement Azure storage queues

Add and process messages, retrieve a batch of messages, scale queues

Manage access

Generate shared access signatures, including client renewal and data validation; create stored access policies; regenerate storage account keys; configure and use Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Monitor storage

Set retention policies and logging levels, analyze logs

Implement SQL databases

Choose the appropriate database tier and performance level, configure and perform point in time recovery, enable geo-replication, import and export data and schema, scale SQL databases

Manage application and network services (15-20%)

Integrate an app with Azure Active Directory

Develop apps that use WS-federation, OAuth, and SAML-P endpoints; query the directory using graph API

Configure a virtual network

Deploy a VM into a virtual network, deploy a cloud service into a virtual network

Modify network configuration

Modify a subnet, import and export network configuration

Design and implement a communication strategy

Develop messaging solutions using service bus queues, topics, relays, and notification hubs; create service bus namespaces and choose a tier; scale service bus

Monitor communication

Monitor service bus queues, topics, relays, and notification hubs

Implement caching

Implement Redis caching, implement Azure Cache Service


  1. is these links enough for exam 70-532 or should i refer to MVA videos of bob tabour im a bit confused with these please anyone suggest me the order to follow i dont have much time exam is on 26th Dec 2014

    1. Hi Varun,

      The reading lists are a collection of websites that have content related to the skills measured list for each exam. I cannot guarantee that reading only these links will make you pass the exam. Combining the reading with courses/videos from MVA and Channel9 is most likely a smart thing to do 🙂


      1. thank you should i refer all the azure courses in MVA & Channel9 or any particular courses if you found any courses please comment the links Thanks in advance 😀

  2. Hello Anders, Do you have a similar list of links for the new syllabus for 70-532 that got updated last month on Nov 22nd? That’ll be very helpful!

    From Microsoft certification page:

    Since the last exam update, Microsoft Azure has had significant technology changes, and we are updating the exam objectives to include them. As of November 22, 2016, this exam reflects these changes.

    Create and manage Azure Resource Manager Virtual Machines (30‒35%)
    Design and implement a storage and data strategy (25‒30%)
    Manage identity, application, and network services (15‒20%)
    Design and implement Azure PaaS compute and web and mobile services (25–30%)

  3. Excellent and very helpful Anders. Wondering, how do i know when this article was written jus to ensure it was written after the new course objectives was published on nov 22 🙂
    Create and manage Azure Resource Manager Virtual Machines (30‒35%)
    Design and implement a storage and data strategy (25‒30%)
    Manage identity, application, and network services (15‒20%)
    Design and implement Azure PaaS compute and web and mobile services (25–30%)

    1. Hi! This post article is a bit old, and unfortunately not updated according to the latest changes. Although most of the topics is still valid, it’s not telling the complete truth anymore.