Microsoft Azure

All Resources View available in Azure Preview Portal

In complete silence, Microsoft have released the All Resources view in the Azure Preview Portal.

The view allows you to browse resources much in the same way as the current Management Portal, but in a more “modern” view, if I can say so.

As you can see from the image below, we are able to search, select subscription and choose what columns we want to see.

Another great tip is to pin this blade to the dashboard, and let it use 4×6 tiles.

To do so follow these simple steps

  1. Click Browse everything
  2. Click the Pin up in the right corner
  3. Left click the dashboard, and select customize
  4. Move the blade to you location of choice, and select 4×6 as the size.


Also note that subscription and name filtering are available on all other blades as well. Perfect when you have multiple subscription connected with the same Azure Active Directory. When we choose a subscription where, it’s also “sticky” so when browsing to another blade, your section will be remembered.

Happy Azure time 🙂

The missing site-to-site connectivity option

When creating a new Virtual Network in Azure, you might have noticed that the site-to-site connectivity option is missing, while the point-to-site connectivity is ready for activation.

The most probable reason for this is that there is no Local Networks configured in the subscription where you created the new Virtual Network.

Try browsing to New, Network Services, Virtual Network, All Local Network, and create a new one for the subscription where you need it. Then go back to the Virtual Network Configuration tab and you should see the create a site-to-site connectivity option.

Powershell One-liner for finding all objcets that use a spesific domain name in Exchange Online

In some cases we need to find all objects that use a domain name in Exchange Online or Azure AD. For example when we need to remove a domain from a Office 365 tenant. This is not a easy task, unless we are able to script it.

The following three one-liners prints out all email addresses that is active on a object.

Get all users with

Get-MsolUser -DomainName ""

Get all distribution groups with

Get-DistributionGroup | foreach {$_.EmailAddresses | ? {$_ -like "*"}}

Get all dynamic distribution groups with

Get-DynamicDistributionGroup | foreach {$_.EmailAddresses | ? {$_ -like "*"}}

Thereafter we can either go in and remove these manually, or we could write a new script that does it for us using the Set-MailUser, Set-Mailbox, Set-DistributionGroup or Set-DynamicDistributionGroup

Preparing and diagnose tools for Microsoft Cloud solutions

This is just a quick summarize post of different tools and guides for preparing or diagnosing an deployment in the Microsoft Cloud universe. This post will also be updates as I find new tools.

Office 365

Fast Track Network Analysis

Fast Track links borrowed from



Reading list for MS Exam 70-534 published

Some of the reading list readers asked for a list related to the 70-534 exam, and finally I found enough time to make a first version 🙂

Happy reading 🙂