Price-Match Guarantee

Buy it now with confidence with our Price-Match Guarantee*

mindhub will match the price if you find a lower price on an identical available product at a competitor's website or retail store. Simply let us know when you are making your purchase or during the return and exchange period and we’ll refund 100% of the difference, including any applicable sales tax.

Submit Price-Match request when making a purchase, or during the return and exchange period after your purchase from mindhub.

Provide proof of the lower price that is still in effect that you would like mindhub to match.

A mindhub customer service representative will review your Price-Match request and once it is verified, you will be refunded the difference, including tax.

*The Guarantee does not apply to: Our competitors' offers that include bundling of items, exam vouchers, free items, pricing errors, mail-in offers, competitors' service prices, items that are advertised as limited-quantity, out of stock, open-box, clearance, refurbished/used items, Deal of the Day items.