Navigating the Cyber Elephant in the Boardroom: Embracing Cybersecurity as a Continuous Journey

Author: Mathieu Gorge
Date Published: 29 April 2024

In today's advancing digital landscape, cybersecurity is an ever-growing concern for organizations worldwide. The escalating frequency and sophistication of cyberthreats have compelled enterprises to prioritize robust security strategies to safeguard their reputations, sensitive data and customer information. Suspected Internet crime increased nearly 50% in 2020 compared to 2019.1 The uptick in cybercrime means that Implementing effective cybersecurity measures is critical, but this is no easy feat, as organizations are likely to encounter various challenges along the way.

Delving into these challenges and considering a comprehensive solution, namely the 5 Pillars of Security Framework, is a worthwhile endeavour. As the digital terrain continues to shift, chief executive officers (CEOs), chief experience officers (CXOs) and board members will play pivotal roles in steering their organizations towards cybersecurity excellence. Acknowledging the significance of cybersecurity and embracing a proactive approach are vital steps that begin with the highest levels of leadership.

The 5 Pillars of Security Framework offers a straightforward and business-friendly methodology for addressing cybersecurity challenges. It is useful to delve into each pillar's significance and explore practical strategies for overcoming the barriers that organizations often face. Embracing this framework empowers organizations to demonstrate their cyberaccountability to stakeholders, regulators and clients.

Acknowledge the Elephant, Starting at the Top

In terms of cybersecurity, the cyber elephant in the boardroom symbolizes the colossal challenges that demand immediate attention and action from top-level executives. Despite the growing prevalence of cyberthreats, there is often a shared reluctance at the executive level to fully acknowledge the magnitude of cybersecurity concerns. This hesitation can lead to potential blind spots, leaving organizations vulnerable to cyberattacks that could have catastrophic consequences.

Hesitation can lead to potential blind spots, leaving organizations vulnerable to cyberattacks that could have catastrophic consequences.

For a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to take root, CEOs, CXOs and board members must embrace their pivotal roles in setting a security-conscious tone throughout the organization. By acknowledging the cyber elephant and encouraging cyberaware leadership, top-level executives can create a culture of security that permeates every level of the enterprise.

Recognize and Overcome the 5 Stages of Grief

On their journeys toward robust cybersecurity, organizations often encounter emotional responses akin to the 5 stages of grief (figure 1). Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance may be experienced when facing the challenges of implementing effective cybersecurity measures.

Figure 1—5 Stages of Grief

Denial may manifest as believing that cyberthreats are not relevant to one's own organization, while anger could emerge if cybersecurity initiatives disrupt regular business operations. Bargaining can take the form of adopting selective compliance measures to appease regulators and depression could arise if overwhelmed by the complexities of cybersecurity requirements. However, reaching the stage of acceptance signifies the turning point when organizations begin to recognize the necessity of proactive cybersecurity.

To navigate these stages successfully, practical strategies must be employed to overcome barriers and embrace cybersecurity as a proactive and essential aspect of organizational culture. By understanding emotional responses and employing proactive measures, organizations can build resilience, foster cyberaccountability and elevate their cybersecurity postures. To quote from The Cyber Elephant in the Boardroom: Cyber-Accountability With the Five Pillars of Security Framework, “Until faced with an incident, and unless full educated in their roles regarding cybersecurity and compliance, most board members and CXOs will happily pay lip service to cybersecurity and turn a blind eye to their responsibilities and accountability.”2

Make Cybersecurity Part of the DNA

Organizations must view cybersecurity as an integral part of their DNA, rather than a one-time project. Building a continuous cybersecurity program ensures that security becomes ingrained in the organization’s culture, processes and practices.

A successful, continuous program requires implementing ongoing risk assessments, comprehensive training initiatives and proactive measures to adapt to the changing threat landscape. It requires unwavering commitment from top-level executives to promote a security awareness culture and empower employees to be vigilant regarding cyberthreats.

A successful, continuous [cyberawareness] program requires implementing ongoing risk assessments, comprehensive training initiatives and proactive measures to adapt to the changing threat landscape.

By embedding effective cybersecurity strategies into their organizational DNA, enterprises can shift their security strategies from being reactive to proactive. When this happens, all members of the organization serve as active participants in safeguarding critical assets. This commitment ensures that cybersecurity remains at the forefront of decision making and becomes an inherent aspect of how the organization operates, continuously strengthening its security posture.

Seek Compliance Beyond the Bare Minimum

While compliance with cybersecurity regulations and standards is essential, merely meeting the minimum requirements may not provide adequate protection against a diverse and unpredictable threat landscape. Going beyond the bare minimum ensures a proactive cybersecurity approach that enhances an organization's security resilience.

By delving deeper into cybersecurity best practices and implementing additional security measures, organizations create robust security postures. This approach safeguards against potential breaches and demonstrates a commitment to cyberaccountability to stakeholders, regulators and clients.

Organizations that embrace proactive compliance strategies often experience improved cybersecurity resilience, reduced risk and enhanced overall security. By recognizing that cybersecurity is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor, enterprises can tailor their efforts to address specific risk factors and challenges, bolstering their abilities to protect critical data and systems effectively.

Learn from Industry Peers

Benchmarking cybersecurity efforts with industry peers is a valuable practice that enables organizations to gain insights from others' successes—and challenges. By analyzing how similar enterprises tackle cyberrisk and security, organizations can identify best practices and areas for improvement.

Collaboration with industry peers strengthens collective cybersecurity resilience, as knowledge sharing encourages a united front against cyberthreats. Through benchmarking, organizations can fine-tune their cybersecurity strategies, adapt to emerging threats and stay ahead of potential risk.

Benchmarking helps organizations assess their security postures objectively and make informed decisions about cybersecurity investments. It provides a broader perspective on industry trends and standards, ensuring that organizations align their efforts with evolving cybersecurity requirements.

By participating in benchmarking initiatives, enterprises create a community of cyberawareness and demonstrate commitments to continuous improvement in their cybersecurity practices. This collaborative spirit contributes to a safer digital environment for all stakeholders and helps organizations build stronger defense mechanisms against potential cyberadversaries.

Stimulate Cybersecurity Culture

Creating a cybersecurity-aware culture within an organization requires more than mere policies or procedures. It is crucial to create an environment that facilitates continuous learning and emphasizes the importance of each individual’s role in maintaining cybersecurity best practices. This can be achieved by incorporating fun and team-building activities into cybersecurity learning, which can significantly enhance employee engagement and knowledge retention.

Gamification and interactive training play a pivotal role in making cybersecurity education enjoyable and effective. By turning cybersecurity awareness into a gamelike experience, employees are motivated to actively participate and absorb essential security practices.

Organizations that have successfully fostered cybersecurity awareness cultures often organize cybersecurity-themed events, workshops and competitions. These initiatives not only raise cyberawareness, but also encourage healthy competition among employees to encourage secure behavior.

Encouraging teamwork in cybersecurity initiatives helps build a sense of collective responsibility for the organization's security. One example of a team-building exercise is a simulated cyberattack drill wherein employees work together to respond effectively to potential threats.

Another tool for team building is the VigiQuiz,3 which revolutionizes cybersecurity awareness through an interactive and entertaining approach.

Teams that employ team building resources may experience various benefits:

  • Amplified engagement and participation in cybersecurity training programs
  • Improved cyberawareness behavior for building sustainable habits
  • Heightened motivation to mitigate cyberthreats proactively

By incorporating fun team-based cyberawareness activities, organizations promote positive and proactive cybersecurity cultures, ultimately leading to a workforce that is more vigilant, confident and committed to safeguarding digital assets.

Consider the Benefits and Outcomes of the 5 Pillars Framework

Adopting the 5 Pillars of Security Framework (figure 2) yields a myriad of tangible benefits for organizations seeking to bolster their cybersecurity postures.

Figure 2—5 Pillars Security Framework

The framework empowers organizations to demonstrate cyberaccountability to stakeholders, regulators and clients. By implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy based on the 5 pillars, organizations display their commitments to safeguarding sensitive data and digital assets.

This framework also enhances cybersecurity resilience by addressing key aspects of security comprehensively. From physical security to crisis management, each pillar contributes to a robust defense against cyberthreats, reducing the likelihood of successful attacks.

Embracing the 5 Pillars of Security Framework results in a notable reduction in cybersecurity risk. Proactive measures and comprehensive planning mitigate potential vulnerabilities, shielding organizations from potential data breaches and financial losses.

The framework instils a culture of cyberaccountability and risk management throughout the organization. It elevates cybersecurity practices beyond compliance, fostering an environment where every team member plays an active role in safeguarding the organization's digital ecosystem. The 5 Pillars of Security Framework not only bolsters the organization's reputation and trustworthiness, but also ensures its continued success in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.

Future-Proof Your Cybersecurity Strategy

Future-proofing organizational strategy is essential to stay ahead of evolving threats and regulations. Integrating the 5 Pillars of Security Framework into long-term cybersecurity planning is a crucial step in achieving this goal.

Continual improvement and adaptation are key. Enterprises should regularly assess and update cybersecurity measures to align with emerging threats and technological advancements. Staying informed about the latest trends in cyberattacks and industry best practices helps ensure that organizational strategy remains effective and relevant.

Organizations should seek to cultivate cultures of continuous learning and cybersecurity awareness. Providing ongoing training and resources ensures that employees are up-to-date with the latest security protocols and techniques. A proactive approach to cybersecurity means that every team member actively participates in identifying and mitigating risk, helping bolster the organization’s defenses.

Collaboration with industry peers and cybersecurity experts is invaluable. Employees should be encouraged to participate in cybersecurity forums, attend conferences and use knowledge-sharing platforms to exchange insights and experiences. Performance benchmarking allows staff to learn from others' successes and challenges, enabling organizations to fine-tune their cybersecurity strategies.

By embracing the principles of the 5 Pillars of Security Framework and adopting proactive, collaborative and forward-thinking approaches, organizations can confidently safeguard digital assets and secure their data in the face of cyberthreats.


1 McKinsey and Company, “What is Cybersecurity?,” 3 April 2023
2 Gorge, M.; The Cyber Elephant in the Boardroom: Cyber-Accountability With the Five Pillars of Security Framework, USA, 2021
3 Vigitrust, VigiQuiz

Mathieu Gorge

Is a global cybersecurity leader, international security conference speaker and author of The Cyber-Elephant in the Boardroom. As the CEO of VigiTrust, he helps companies meet compliance standards using the 5 Pillars of Security Framework. With more than two decades of experience, Gorge shares his expertise through keynotes at international conferences and as a writer for industry publications. He also chairs the VigiTrust Global Advisory Board, collaborating with cybersecurity experts worldwide to address evolving threats. Through VigiTrust, Gorge empowers organizations to enhance their cybersecurity strategies, ensuring accountability from top to bottom in safeguarding against cyberthreats.